Castle Hill Ecology is an independent ecological consultancy offering a range of ecological services, either as a sub-contractor to other consultancies or working directly with clients. Our efficient and cost-effective yet detailed survey work and technical reports can support planning applications and development projects, or inform conservation and research projects.
Based in Cambridge, Castle Hill Ecology covers East Anglia, the West Midlands and the Greater London area, although we are happy to work on larger or multiple projects outside of these regions should the opportunity arise.
We carry out a range of survey work for protected species and habitats, providing ecological support and advice during any stage of a project through to ecological mitigation, licencing for European Protected Species and Ecological Clerk of Works. Castle Hill Ecology offers the following services:
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisals
- Ecological Impact Assessments
- Biodiversity Mitigation Strategies
- Biodiversity Enhancement Strategies
- Biodiversity Net Gain
- Mitigation licences
- UKHab Habitat Classification
- Hedgerow survey and assessment
- Building/structural inspections for bats
- Ground based tree assessments for bats
- Emergence/re-entry surveys for bats
- Static monitoring and transect surveys for bats
- HSI assessments and eDNA surveys for Great Crested Newt
- Presence/absence surveys for amphibians and reptiles
- Hazel Dormouse surveys and monitoring
- Badger field surveys and bait marking
- Nesting bird checks
- Reptile and amphibian translocations
- Mitigation and Ecological Clerk of Works
We collaborate with experienced associate ecologists for larger or specialised projects, such as mist netting and harp trapping for bats, National Vegetation Classification surveys and breeding/wintering bird surveys, and we have dedicated field surveyors who assist us with fieldwork.
If you have any ecological queries or need help with a project, please do get in touch.