Breeding birds
Breeding birds, including ground-nesting birds, should be taken into consideration throughout the planning process as it is an offence to destroy or damage a nest or eggs. We can carry out or assist with:
- Initial habitat assessments to determine the potential for habitat to support breeding birds;
- Breeding bird surveys.
Afforded additional protection under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992, we can carry out or assist with:
- Initial habitat assessments to determine the potential for badger to be present;
- Field surveys to detect field signs of badger including setts, hairs, foraging, latrines, and pathways.
Including adder, grass snake, common lizard, and slow worm, it is an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to intentionally kill, injure, or trade these animals. We can carry out or assist with:
- Initial habitat assessments to determine the potential to support reptile species;
- Presence or likely absence surveys using artificial and natural refugia, and visual observations.
Including smooth newt, palmate newt, common frog, and common toad, it is an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to sell, barter, exchange, transport for sale, and advertise to sell or to buy these species. We can carry out or assist with:
- Initial habitat assessments to determine the potential to support amphibian species;
- Presence or likely absence surveys for newt species using bottle trapping, torching, netting, and egg search methods;
- Presence or likely absence surveys using artificial and natural refugia, and visual observations.